Soothing Escape
Flexibility is Capability: Capability is Power

How to Start Freeform Dreads and Neglect Dreads | Short Dreads

Freeform dreed starter the Afro Twist Comb


Two in one (twisting comb and afro comb)

* Does not get easily dirty unlike sponges used for hair twisting and is easy to clean

* Will cost considerably less than competing products.

* Likely to have greater longevity than competing products as it is made of plastic.

* It is portable and fits in a purse or small bag.

* May be used in a hair salon or be shared without health risks as it can be easily cleaned or disinfected

* It is quick to use and may take less than a minute for basic twists

Dominick with the Short Twist

Brodrick with the Medium Twist

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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